Avineon, Inc. Re-Appraised at CMMI Maturity Level 3 for Development and Services

Written by Avineon | Mar 27, 2018 5:08:00 PM

McLean, Virginia – March 27, 2018 – Avineon, Inc., a global provider of information technology, geospatial, and engineering support services, announced today that it has successfully been appraised at Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI®) Maturity Level 3 (ML3) for both Development and Services. The appraisal was conducted by ChangeBridge Consulting, Inc.


CMMI is a process improvement and assessment framework, which provides organizations with the essential elements of effective procedures that are used to benchmark and ultimately improve program performance. Avineon, having successfully achieved CMMI ML3 for Development and Services in 2015, continues to maintain this industry-standard certification. Avineon undertook its first CMMI appraisal in 2004 and has successfully conducted additional appraisals throughout the years validating our program as the maturity model evolved. 


A successful CMMI ML3 appraisal indicates that the organization is performing at a defined level, with processes that are well characterized and understood. They are established by standards, procedures, tools, and methods, while being proactively improved over time. For our customers, Avineon’s CMMI ML3 rating means:


  • Avineon’s people, processes, and performance have been successfully assessed.
  • Avineon takes a proactive approach to managing projects and processes.
  • Avineon is dedicated to continuous process improvement while producing quality solutions and services.

Heesun Robertson, Avineon’s Chief Operating Officer, said, “Avineon recently celebrated 26 years of operations and we believe the reason for our sustained success is a continued commitment to customer satisfaction. Achieving and maintaining certifications like CMMI Maturity Level 3 for Development and Services is a core component of our continuous process improvement program and among the many things that we do to evaluate and advance our own technical performance.”


About Avineon®

Avineon, Inc. was founded to help you Visualize IT and See IT Through. Since 1992, our customers have relied on us to deliver high quality and value in information technology, geospatial, and engineering support solutions. We offer state of the art information management systems that leverage business process management and data analytics technology to improve execution of our customers’ mission-critical tasks. With headquarters in McLean, Virginia and offices in Washington, DC; St. Petersburg, Florida; Canada; Belgium; France; the United Kingdom; India; and the Middle East, we stand ready to apply our CMMI Maturity Level 3 (DEV and SVC) and ISO 9001:2015 compliant processes for the benefit of your organization. For more information, please visit www.avineon.com.


About the CMMI® Institute

The CMMI Institute is a global leader in the advancement of best practices in people, process, and technology. The CMMI Institute provides the tools and support for organizations to benchmark their capabilities and build maturity by comparing their operations to best practices and identifying performance gaps. For over 25 years, thousands of high-performing organizations in a variety of industries, including aerospace, defense, finance, health services, software, telecommunications, and transportation, have earned a CMMI maturity level rating proving that they are capable business partners and suppliers. To learn more about how CMMI can help your organization elevate performance, visit www.cmmiinstitute.com.