The journey to ArcGIS Pro - The Ashe County, North Carolina


Ashe county is located in the northwestern corner of North Carolina. The county has used Esri GIS technologies for more than 20 years and were recently using Esri’s ArcMap Parcel Fabric for maintaining more than 38,000 parcels.


As Ashe County relies on one single land records editor, working with older software can be a challenging task. With Esri technology continuously evolving, Ashe County thought it was time to migrate from ArcMAP to ArcGIS Pro with the help of Avineon. The task is to migrate the legacy Parcel Fabric to the ArcGIS Pro Parcel Fabric and providing training to the county staff.


Land Record Management stands as a mandatory obligation for County governments throughout the United States, as they serve as the foundation for determining property taxes.


Download our Ashe County Parcel Fabric case study now.


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